Patch N Play is a set of pet toys made of recycled clothing from Goodwill of the Finger Lakes and donated tennis ball
from the Tennis Club of Rochester. Collaborate with Rochester Refugee to train and empower
individuals and groups of volunteers to build meaningful relationships with
local refugees through craft and design.
The bond between an individual and their pet is essential, and having a memento and toys to represent that makes a great product. Refugees come to this country for a better life and these toys allow them to further the bond people have with their beloved pets.
Pet Product Winner
2020 T-Minus at RIT
Team: Emma Scheinbart, Akachi Okafor, Maitrayree Sohni, Yuke Liu
The bond between an individual and their pet is essential, and having a memento and toys to represent that makes a great product. Refugees come to this country for a better life and these toys allow them to further the bond people have with their beloved pets.
Pet Product Winner
2020 T-Minus at RIT
Team: Emma Scheinbart, Akachi Okafor, Maitrayree Sohni, Yuke Liu
“On an average American throws away about 81 pounds of clothing every year.”
January 16, 2018, Nicholas Gilmore, The Saturday Evening Post
January 16, 2018, Nicholas Gilmore, The Saturday Evening Post

Collaborate with Rochester Refugee Sewing and Repair, a project of nonprofit organization Rochester Refugee Resettlement Services that provides refugees in Rochester skills training and paid work in industrial sewing.


Refined Sketches



The Dumbell
Four Arms
- $12.00 for the full kit and $5 for individuals.
- Tools for suggestion to ease production are yarn needles and hair ties
- Tennis balls are provided through bulk donations from the Tennis Club of Rochester

The braids have colors reminsicent of individual cultures that shows the identity of the refugees at work.
- Come in variety of different colors and styles

- Made of sustainable materials from the Rochester Refugee Company. (RCC)
- A great gift for dog owners that provide a variety of different toys of play.